PreΣΦΗΜΜΥPre Sfhmmy Hero

Call for Participants

SocIΙoTy Logo

Problem Solving in Smart Environments using Locsys platform


SocIΙoTy is a virtual competition where participants are invited to create solutions for everyday scenarios in smart environments. The tasks will be programmed on the Locsys low-code platform. You will be given several tasks in different smart environments and through the Locsys platform you will create an application that solves each task. The environment simulation and the application deployment will be visualized through the platform, and an automatic evaluation mechanism will exist, storing the scores in a leaderboard.

Tools that will be used

Locsys Platform

Locsys Platform

The Low-Code platform for Systems engineering



A No-Code tool to setup and configure smart environments



A Graphical tool for creating applications in a flow/FSM-like manner

What you Will Achieve

SocIΙoTy Competition

Participation in the SocIΙoTy competition:

Join your colleagues from all over Greece to compete for prizes

Smart systems application creation

Smart systems application creation:

Design, test and provide your solutions for complex tasks in simulated smart environments

Are You Ready to solve the #SocIIoTyChallenge?

Join us at PreΣΦΗΜΜΥ 9 and let's tackle real-world challenges